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Tassie BAM Teams 2024 (September 2024)
Tasmanian State Championship

Results after 5 of 5 matchesPointsTotals
Place Team M1M2M3M4M5   Points W‑D‑LRed pts
1 RICHMAN (5)28 25 20 25 28  126  4-1-06.91
2 GROSVENOR (2)12 27 25 24 30  118  4-0-15.52
3 WIVELL (1)29 22 20 16 24  111  3-1-12.80
4 LIDL (4)23 15 15 28 16  97  2-0-31.60
5 RANSON (3)17 18 21 15 10  81  1-0-40.80
6 GELSTON (6)11 13 19 12 12  67  0-0-5  
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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