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Coming Events

Tasmanian Online Red Point Pairs (Real Bridge)     More details
DateWednesday, 17 July 2024, starting 7.15pm (Entries close 6.45pm)
LocationReal Bridge Platform, entries via myABF
Entries on MyABF NewWe are using MyABF to accept and display entries for this event.
MyABF logoYou can set up your MyABF account here (note that all players in your entry need to have a MyABF registration): MyABF Account Setup
Lodge an entry or view current entry lists here: View entry lists and lodge an entry.
 There's lots of help on the ABF web site for players and also for clubs considering using MyABF: MyABF Resources on ABF web site
Other informationWeekly Red Masterpoint Pairs on Real Bridge.
DetailsEnter on MyABF
 Cost is $6 per player for a 24 board session. Payment by bridge credits or internet transfer accepted.
 Pairs from SA/WA/NT welcome. Players from interstate playing with a Tasmanian partner also welcome.
 Contact the TBA if you need assistance with MyABF.

Roger's Teams     More details
DateFriday, 19 July 2024, starting 7:15pm
LocationTBA Clubrooms
DetailsThis is a teams event but you enter as a pair. Teammates will be drawn by lot on the night.
 A friendly social game with a glass of wine!
 Table money is normal + $1 (ie $11 or $9 concessional).
 Enter on MyABF or email the TBA.

TBA Board-A-Match Teams     More details
DateSunday, 28 July 2024

GNOT Daytime Qualifying     More details
DateFriday, 2 August 2024 (3 Fridays), starting 9.30am
LocationTBA Clubrooms, 5 Marine Esplanade, Hobart
DetailsA qualifying series of three sessions of Gold masterpoints for the Southern Tas GNOT Regional Final.
 WALK IN , no bookings required. Sessions will be scored as cross-imp pairs.
 No obligation to play all sessions or to play in the GNOT Regional Final.

Jackpot Pairs     More details
DateMonday, 5 August 2024, starting 7:15pm
LocationTBA Clubrooms
DetailsA single session match pointed duplicate pairs event where top placegetters qualify for the end of year jackpot final.
 Two sections (Pink and Blue) if numbers warrant it.
 Eligibility for Blue section Jackpot Final is fewer than 150MPs as at 31/12/23.
 Walk-in session, pre-entry not required. Normal table money.

ABF Club Teams Knockout - Qualifying 1     More details
DateTuesday, 6 August 2024

Roger's Teams     More details
DateFriday, 9 August 2024, starting 7:15pm
LocationTBA Clubrooms
DetailsThis is a teams event but you enter as a pair. Teammates will be drawn by lot on the night.
 A friendly social game with a glass of wine!
 Table money is normal + $1 (ie $11 or $9 concessional).
 Enter on MyABF or email the TBA.

GNOT Night Qualifying     More details
DateMonday, 12 August 2024 (2 Mondays), starting 7.15pm
LocationTBA Clubrooms, 5 Marine Esplanade, Hobart
Entries on MyABF NewWe are using MyABF to accept and display entries for this event.
MyABF logoYou can set up your MyABF account here (note that all players in your entry need to have a MyABF registration): MyABF Account Setup
Lodge an entry or view current entry lists here: View entry lists and lodge an entry.
 There's lots of help on the ABF web site for players and also for clubs considering using MyABF: MyABF Resources on ABF web site
Other informationA two session Swiss Pairs event with Gold MPs awarded for each match win.
DetailsEnter on (
 Payments to be made at the table each session. we are using MyABF only as a booking service.
 Sessional fees are standard table money, $10 or $8 concession.

Sunday Swiss     More details
DateSunday, 18 August 2024, starting 10:00am
LocationTBA Clubrooms
MealsBYO Lunch
DetailsMonthly Club Swiss Pairs Event. A friendly and relaxed introduction to tournament play.
 Enter on MyABF or email the TBA.

Eastcoaster Swiss Pairs - Orford     More details
DateSaturday, 24 August 2024 and Sunday, 25 August 2024
LocationEastcoaster Resort, Ordford

Australia Wide Open Pairs     More details
DateWednesday, 28 August 2024

Friday Morning Red MP Pairs     More details
DateFriday, 30 August 2024

Jackpot Pairs     More details
DateMonday, 2 September 2024, starting 7:15pm
LocationTBA Clubrooms
DetailsA single session match pointed duplicate pairs event where top placegetters qualify for the end of year jackpot final.
 Two sections (Pink and Blue) if numbers warrant it.
 Eligibility for Blue section Jackpot Final is fewer than 150MPs as at 31/12/23.
 Walk-in session, pre-entry not required. Normal table money.

TBA Club Swiss Pairs     More details
DateWednesday, 4 September 2024 (2 Wednesdays)

Southern Graded Pairs     More details
DateFriday, 6 September 2024 (4 Fridays)

GNOT South Finals     More details
DateSunday, 8 September 2024

ABF Club Teams Knockout - Qualifying 2     More details
DateTuesday, 10 September 2024

Tassie Board-A-Match Teams - LBC     More details
DateSaturday, 14 September 2024 and Sunday, 15 September 2024

Elsie Strickland Memorial Pairs     More details
DateThursday, 19 September 2024 (2 Thursdays)

GNOT Qualifying - Online     More details
DateFriday, 20 September 2024 (3 days)

Roger's Teams     More details
DateFriday, 20 September 2024, starting 7:15pm
LocationTBA Clubrooms
DetailsThis is a teams event but you enter as a pair. Teammates will be drawn by lot on the night.
 A friendly social game with a glass of wine!
 Table money is normal + $1 (ie $11 or $9 concessional).
 Enter on MyABF or email the TBA.

TBA Spring Swiss Pairs     More details
DateSunday, 29 September 2024

Beginners Course (afternoon)     More details
DateMonday, 30 September 2024

Beginners Course (evening)     More details
DateTuesday, 1 October 2024

Jackpot Pairs     More details
DateMonday, 7 October 2024, starting 7:15pm
LocationTBA Clubrooms
DetailsA single session match pointed duplicate pairs event where top placegetters qualify for the end of year jackpot final.
 Two sections (Pink and Blue) if numbers warrant it.
 Eligibility for Blue section Jackpot Final is fewer than 150MPs as at 31/12/23.
 Walk-in session, pre-entry not required. Normal table money.

ABF Club Teams Knockout QF and Consolation 1     More details
DateTuesday, 8 October 2024

State Meeting - Campbell Town     More details
DateFriday, 11 October 2024

Launceston Bridge Club Congress     More details
DateSaturday, 12 October 2024 and Sunday, 13 October 2024