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2025 Tasmanian Open Teams (March 2025)
Results after 8 of 8 matchesMatch Imps (click to show VPs)Totals
Place CatTeam M1M2M3M4M5M6M7M8   Imps VPs W‑D‑LRed pts
1 N COUTTS (7)45 57 19 4 -8 21 56 75  269 128.337-0-18.68
2 N RICHMAN (2)-31 36 -4 47 42 42 78 59  269 125.926-0-26.69
3 T WEBBER (9)-57 31 43 -25 29 3 22 -6  40 91.385-0-35.18
4 T FALKINGHAM (1)9 32 8 30 -25 8 -59 -22  -19 80.105-0-32.80
5 N MURPHY (6)38 -14 -47 -8 -3 46 -75 4  -59 71.983-0-51.68
6 T GIBBS (4)-36 -38 25 -35 -21 25 -5 42  -43 70.183-0-51.68
7 T COOPER (8)14 -9 35 19 -42 -44 6 -56  -77 68.444-0-42.24
8 N COOKE (5)-19 -45 -30 -43 44 -42 -4 5  -134 50.682-0-61.12
9 T HOOLEY (3)-32 19 -19 -19 -46 -29 -42 -78  -246 32.991-0-70.56
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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