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Team 4 - Goward
    Home Table   Away Table     Pair Datums  
  Coral Goward
Betty Pilgrim
  Nola Calvert
Rex Calvert
  Beth Mauri
Judy Keating
  David Robinson
Graham Cooper
Board No vs Team   Contract Result Score   Contract Result Score   Net Score Net Imps   Datum NS EW  
Board 13: Calvert 3S S9140 5S S9100   2406   14006 
Board 23: Calvert 2S N10170 2S N8-110   602   16002 
Board 33: Calvert 6NT N12990 4H N950   104014   710713 
Board 43: Calvert 2S S9140 2S S9-140   00       
Board 53: Calvert 3NT W11-460 2S N5300   -160-4   -230-62 
Board 63: Calvert 2S S8110 2S S750   1604   3022 
Board 73: Calvert 4H N9-100 PASS N=0   -100-3   -50-2-2 
Board 83: Calvert 1NT S4-150 1NT E9150   00       
Board 93: Calvert 3H W10-170 4H W10620   45010   -40066 
Total29  729 

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