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Pair 7 NS - Richard Holland / Alison Holland
Place: 9, Percentage: 43.52%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 14: Lynn Barlow / Laura Best3NT W4H13-52016%  
Board 24: Lynn Barlow / Laura Best3H E2D850950%  
Board 34: Lynn Barlow / Laura Best4H E9C10-6201794%  
Board 43: Kate Dalgleish / Marlene Childs3C W5H9-110528%  
Board 53: Kate Dalgleish / Marlene Childs3NT STD9600844%  
Board 63: Kate Dalgleish / Marlene Childs1C E9H7-70317%  
Board 72: Liz Sellen / Clive Sellen3NT E3C10-630528%  
Board 82: Liz Sellen / Clive Sellen3NT W3D12-490317%  
Board 92: Liz Sellen / Clive Sellen4H E6D91001794%  
Board 101: Kaylene Shaw / Jane Dickie2H W6C8-110528%  
Board 111: Kaylene Shaw / Jane Dickie3H E6S11-20000%  
Board 121: Kaylene Shaw / Jane Dickie2H N3D91401794%  
Board 1610: Janette Targett / Lee McCaghern2H NAC7-50844%  
Board 1710: Janette Targett / Lee McCaghern4S STH114501056%  
Board 1810: Janette Targett / Lee McCaghern2D NAH890317%  
Board 197: Kay Thiessen / Heather Viney4S E8H11-65000%  
Board 207: Kay Thiessen / Heather Viney1S S2D81101161%  
Board 217: Kay Thiessen / Heather Viney3S EAH850211%  
Board 226: Robin Barnes / Noela Foxcroft3NT E4D9-6001161%  
Board 236: Robin Barnes / Noela Foxcroft4S SAC9-100739%  
Board 246: Robin Barnes / Noela Foxcroft2H WAC8-1101267%  
Board 255: Malcolm Sherlock / Trish Colles2H E6D9-140633%  
Board 265: Malcolm Sherlock / Trish Colles2NT W4S71001267%  
Board 275: Malcolm Sherlock / Trish Colles4H S4S114501689%  

Click on the Board Number to display that complete board, or click on a Pair to show that Pair's performance.

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