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Pair 6 NS - Sarah Bolt / Robyn Gregory
Place: 12, Percentage: 41.97%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 16: Graham Bury / Jane Hall5D E3S11-400620%  
Board 26: Graham Bury / Jane Hall1S N5H10170827%  
Board 36: Graham Bury / Jane Hall3H E8S12-2301343%  
Board 45: Pam Collins / Jenny McCormick2NT EAH9-1501447%  
Board 55: Pam Collins / Jenny McCormick5H N8S9-20000%  
Board 65: Pam Collins / Jenny McCormick4H S3C8-100413%  
Board 74: Leah McDougall / Geoff J. Green3H SKS91401757%  
Board 84: Leah McDougall / Geoff J. Green2S SKH101701343%  
Board 94: Leah McDougall / Geoff J. Green4S NQC1145030100%  
Board 103: Bev Sturgeon / Mary-Jane Weld3H NJC8-100620%  
Board 113: Bev Sturgeon / Mary-Jane Weld4H W8C81001653%  
Board 123: Bev Sturgeon / Mary-Jane Weld4H W3D9502170%  
Board 132: Ken Chilcott / Helen Philpott3D W2S81001447%  
Board 142: Ken Chilcott / Helen Philpott3S EAD61501447%  
Board 152: Ken Chilcott / Helen Philpott3S E6C9-14012.943%  

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