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Pair 16 EW - Lynn Barlow / Laura Best
Place: 13, Percentage: 47.45%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 116: Debbie Easther / Betty Pilgrim3C EKD91102166%  
Board 216: Debbie Easther / Betty Pilgrim2NT WJH81201134%  
Board 316: Debbie Easther / Betty Pilgrim4H N5C11-4501238%  
Board 45: Alison Salter / Beth Mauri5D W5C11600825%  
Board 55: Alison Salter / Beth Mauri2S EAD7-501959%  
Board 65: Alison Salter / Beth Mauri1NT W2C91503094%  
Board 71: Adrienne Norton / Chris Girvan4H S5C10-6201031%  
Board 81: Adrienne Norton / Chris Girvan4S EJH9-5013%  
Board 91: Adrienne Norton / Chris Girvan2D E7H6-20039%  
Board 106: Margaret Enright / Sue Falkingham4D EAC9-1001134%  
Board 116: Margaret Enright / Sue Falkingham3H NAC10-17013%  
Board 126: Margaret Enright / Sue Falkingham5D NJH12-6201650%  
Board 132: Philip Le Grove / Barry Taranto3NT W8C96001753%  
Board 142: Philip Le Grove / Barry Taranto3NT E3S104301650%  
Board 152: Philip Le Grove / Barry Taranto2S NQC8-110619%  
Board 167: Beryl Gelling / Jane Malecky3NT N2S12-4901547%  
Board 177: Beryl Gelling / Jane Malecky2H N4D10-1701547%  
Board 187: Beryl Gelling / Jane Malecky4S N3C91002784%  
Board 193: Victor Coombe / Steve Thollar2H SJD11-2002784%  
Board 203: Victor Coombe / Steve Thollar1NT N2C11-2102475%  
Board 213: Victor Coombe / Steve Thollar1NT N2H7-901753%  
Board 2217: Roger Hooley / Judy Hooley3D SAH11-1502578%  
Board 2317: Roger Hooley / Judy Hooley2NT NAS10-180722%  
Board 2417: Roger Hooley / Judy Hooley4S NTD12-48039%  
Board 254: Nicky McKibben / Victoria Onslow3NT S2C71003197%  
Board 264: Nicky McKibben / Victoria Onslow4S WTH116501341%  
Board 274: Nicky McKibben / Victoria Onslow4S WTC104202475%  

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