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Pair 13 NS - Cheryl Pfister / Marianne Jotic
Place: 16, Percentage: 36.04%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 110: Denise Devitt / Beryl Gelling3C WKH10-1301447%  
Board 210: Denise Devitt / Beryl Gelling3NT E4C9-40027%  
Board 310: Denise Devitt / Beryl Gelling4S N9D6-2000.10%  
Board 49: Patsy Primozich / Peter Tsilipanis4S NKH9-1001343%  
Board 59: Patsy Primozich / Peter Tsilipanis3H E4C9-140620%  
Board 69: Patsy Primozich / Peter Tsilipanis1NT WKS9-1502.27%  
Board 713: Billie Watson / Helen Gourley2S EAH710026.789%  
Board 813: Billie Watson / Helen Gourley2S N7D7-5019.364%  
Board 913: Billie Watson / Helen Gourley2NT S7S81208.629%  
Board 1012: Russell Morse / Sally Morse2H S5C101702893%  
Board 1112: Russell Morse / Sally Morse6C S4D10-10013%  
Board 1212: Russell Morse / Sally Morse3H NTC112008.629%  
Board 1311: Toni Davidson / Avner Misrachi4S W4H10-620723%  
Board 1411: Toni Davidson / Avner Misrachi3NT E3D8502170%  
Board 1511: Toni Davidson / Avner Misrachi3NT N2D8-1004.716%  

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