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Pair 11 NS - Lea Coulston / Annette Keen
Place: 12, Percentage: 43.21%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 13: Kaylene Shaw / Jane Dickie2S N9H101701979%  
Board 23: Kaylene Shaw / Jane Dickie4D E7H81002083%  
Board 33: Kaylene Shaw / Jane Dickie2S E6D10-170521%  
Board 411: Laurie Queay / Sally McCracken3H E9D9-14028%  
Board 511: Laurie Queay / Sally McCracken4H E2D9501146%  
Board 611: Laurie Queay / Sally McCracken2C E2D9-1101458%  
Board 710: Coral Goward / Sue Thompson-Walker2H W2C9-14024100%  
Board 810: Coral Goward / Sue Thompson-Walker2NT S2H7-50625%  
Board 910: Coral Goward / Sue Thompson-Walker1S WAC61001771%  
Board 109: Florence Lewis-Bryan / Ian Mansfield2H NAD6-20028%  
Board 119: Florence Lewis-Bryan / Ian Mansfield1NT S4D7901458%  
Board 129: Florence Lewis-Bryan / Ian Mansfield4H E7D12-480312%  
Board 138: Angie McDermott / Helen Sparrow1S E8H8-110938%  
Board 148: Angie McDermott / Helen Sparrow1NT E4S7-90521%  
Board 158: Angie McDermott / Helen Sparrow2S NAC91401458%  
Board 167: Lynn Barlow / Laura Best4S SKH104201458%  
Board 177: Lynn Barlow / Laura Best2S WAC8-110417%  
Board 187: Lynn Barlow / Laura Best4D SKH9-10000%  
Board 196: Robin Barnes / Noela Foxcroft3NT WTD9-6001250%  
Board 206: Robin Barnes / Noela Foxcroft4S W3D12-680312%  
Board 216: Robin Barnes / Noela Foxcroft2S S9C10170833%  
Board 225: Janette Targett / Anne O'Rourke2D W5S71001458%  
Board 235: Janette Targett / Anne O'Rourke3D SAC111501042%  
Board 245: Janette Targett / Anne O'Rourke4S W5D10-42014%  
Board 254: Kate Dalgleish / Marlene Childs1NT E2H7-901562%  
Board 264: Kate Dalgleish / Marlene Childs4S N6D126801875%  
Board 274: Kate Dalgleish / Marlene Childs3H S7D112001667%  

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