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Pair 10 EW - Graham Bury / Jane Hall
Place: 9, Percentage: 50.14%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 13: Clare Handbury / Shelley James4S SKC12-480935%  
Board 23: Clare Handbury / Shelley James6NT E5C11-50831%  
Board 33: Clare Handbury / Shelley James3H WAC101702285%  
Board 411: Ian Mansfield / Florence Lewis-Bryan2C N3S11-150415%  
Board 511: Ian Mansfield / Florence Lewis-Bryan2C ETS91102596%  
Board 611: Ian Mansfield / Florence Lewis-Bryan4H E6C12680623%  
Board 74: Ian McMichael / Victoria Onslow1NT S2D9-150935%  
Board 84: Ian McMichael / Victoria Onslow3D N3H12-1702285%  
Board 94: Ian McMichael / Victoria Onslow1H NAD7-801038%  
Board 1010: Debbie Easther / Betty Pilgrim3D W8S11150623%  
Board 1110: Debbie Easther / Betty Pilgrim4H S8D10-4201350%  
Board 1210: Debbie Easther / Betty Pilgrim2H NAS8-1101038%  
Board 1314: Marleen Lynch / Rosemary Rowell4DX NAS850026100%  
Board 1414: Marleen Lynch / Rosemary Rowell4S WJC114502492%  
Board 1514: Marleen Lynch / Rosemary Rowell4H E3S104201662%  
Board 161: Adrienne Norton / Susan West2H S5C8-110415%  
Board 171: Adrienne Norton / Susan West5H SAS12-480519%  
Board 181: Adrienne Norton / Susan West3H N4S9-1401454%  
Board 1913: Janette Targett / Ron Berry1NT N8C650727%  
Board 2013: Janette Targett / Ron Berry2H SQD9-140623%  
Board 2113: Janette Targett / Ron Berry3NT E5H104301662%  
Board 222: Ian Bailey / Philip Le Grove2H ETD7-1001869%  
Board 232: Ian Bailey / Philip Le Grove2C S5H62001350%  
Board 242: Ian Bailey / Philip Le Grove4S N7D9501765%  
Board 2512: Catherine Catt / Sharlene Campbell2NT S4C8-1201038%  
Board 2612: Catherine Catt / Sharlene Campbell3H N3D10-1701558%  
Board 2712: Catherine Catt / Sharlene Campbell4S WAD124801765%  

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