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Pair 12 - Judith Palmer / Diane Briggs
Place: 11, Percentage: 40.17%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 11: Ken Chilcott / Helen Philpott3NT S8S9-400225%  
Board 21: Ken Chilcott / Helen Philpott3C SAS8100675%  
Board 31: Ken Chilcott / Helen Philpott2D NAS9-110225%  
Board 42: Bronwyn Peatling / Geoff Peatling2S WAS8110450%  
Board 52: Bronwyn Peatling / Geoff Peatling1H WKD9140562%  
Board 62: Bronwyn Peatling / Geoff Peatling2S W2H8110225%  
Board 73: Peg Clydesdale / Leigh Wade2H NAD62008100%  
Board 83: Peg Clydesdale / Leigh Wade1NT E5D915000%  
Board 93: Peg Clydesdale / Leigh Wade3D SAH10-130450%  
Board 104: David Dunbabin / Ian Ritchie1D S4H9-11000%  
Board 114: David Dunbabin / Ian Ritchie1H S2D650225%  
Board 124: David Dunbabin / Ian Ritchie2C S4H8-9000%  
Board 135: Curtis Smith / Terry Wilson1C SQS430000%  
Board 145: Curtis Smith / Terry Wilson5H SKS91008100%  
Board 155: Curtis Smith / Terry Wilson2C NTH8-90450%  
Board 166: Trish Groom / Malcolm Groom4S WQD10620990%  
Board 176: Trish Groom / Malcolm Groom1NT S9C7-90770%  
Board 186: Trish Groom / Malcolm Groom4H S7S10-62000%  
Board 197: Andrew Ross / Mary Ramsay6DX WAC8-110000%  
Board 207: Andrew Ross / Mary Ramsay1H W9D8110550%  
Board 217: Andrew Ross / Mary Ramsay2D S9S8-90660%  
Board 228: Julie Hunt / Joy Stoddart2H N3D750660%  
Board 238: Julie Hunt / Joy Stoddart3H SAD10-170440%  
Board 248: Julie Hunt / Joy Stoddart2C W2H1013000%  

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