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Pair 7 EW - Robin Barnes / Noela Foxcroft
Place: 3, Percentage: 58.42%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 19: Angie McDermott / Helen Sparrow4H NAS10-4201568%  
Board 29: Angie McDermott / Helen Sparrow1NT S2C7-9015%  
Board 39: Angie McDermott / Helen Sparrow2NT E8D81202091%  
Board 43: Kerry McKillop / Lea Coulston1H W9S91401255%  
Board 53: Kerry McKillop / Lea Coulston2S N9S7100523%  
Board 63: Kerry McKillop / Lea Coulston3NT E7S106301359%  
Board 78: Jegs Nuttall / Jane Malecky4H NJD10-6201777%  
Board 88: Jegs Nuttall / Jane Malecky4H S5D71502195%  
Board 98: Jegs Nuttall / Jane Malecky3H EAD101702091%  
Board 1012: Julie Bullen / Andrew Ross4C S2S82001882%  
Board 1112: Julie Bullen / Andrew Ross2H S3D8-110523%  
Board 1212: Julie Bullen / Andrew Ross4S S6H91001673%  
Board 137: Sue Thompson-Walker / Toby Meredith2H S2S8-11015%  
Board 147: Sue Thompson-Walker / Toby Meredith3S NAH10-17029%  
Board 157: Sue Thompson-Walker / Toby Meredith2D SQD62001777%  
Board 1611: Victor Coombe / Steve Thollar2H E3D81101045%  
Board 1711: Victor Coombe / Steve Thollar2D NJC10-13015%  
Board 1811: Victor Coombe / Steve Thollar5D SAS101001255%  
Board 191: Maureen Richardson / Mary Bell4H NJD11-450836%  
Board 201: Maureen Richardson / Mary Bell3C W4S7-200732%  
Board 211: Maureen Richardson / Mary Bell3NT E3S11460627%  
Board 2210: Shirley Reddin / Margaret Parsons3NT S5D615022100%  
Board 2310: Shirley Reddin / Margaret Parsons1NT NQS43002091%  
Board 2410: Shirley Reddin / Margaret Parsons6H W2C129802195%  
Board 252: Gavan Graham / John McCann4H WAS116501568%  
Board 262: Gavan Graham / John McCann4S N9D820022100%  
Board 272: Gavan Graham / John McCann3NT E3D114602091%  

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