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Pair 3 EW - Dorothy Stevenson / Anna Chivers
Place: 9, Percentage: 45.96%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 17: Sue Thompson-Walker / Toby Meredith4S SQC11-450314%  
Board 27: Sue Thompson-Walker / Toby Meredith3C S4H81001045%  
Board 37: Sue Thompson-Walker / Toby Meredith2S EAC7-100627%  
Board 411: Victor Coombe / Steve Thollar4H W2S9-100418%  
Board 511: Victor Coombe / Steve Thollar3D W2C91101045%  
Board 611: Victor Coombe / Steve Thollar3NT E6S9600627%  
Board 73: Kerry McKillop / Lea Coulston3NT SJS12-690523%  
Board 83: Kerry McKillop / Lea Coulston3S NQD61502195%  
Board 93: Kerry McKillop / Lea Coulston2H EAD91401255%  
Board 1010: Shirley Reddin / Margaret Parsons3HX E4C8-200836%  
Board 1110: Shirley Reddin / Margaret ParsonsPASS N=01255%  
Board 1210: Shirley Reddin / Margaret Parsons4S S6H91001673%  
Board 134: Richard Holland / Alison Holland2C W2H111501359%  
Board 144: Richard Holland / Alison Holland4S SKH9501359%  
Board 154: Richard Holland / Alison Holland3NT N4H540022100%  
Board 169: Angie McDermott / Helen Sparrow3S WAH91401568%  
Board 179: Angie McDermott / Helen Sparrow2D N8C8-901150%  
Board 189: Angie McDermott / Helen Sparrow5D SAS101001255%  
Board 195: Denise Jones / Chris Jones4H N2C11-450836%  
Board 205: Denise Jones / Chris Jones4C W2H7-30000%  
Board 215: Denise Jones / Chris Jones3NT W2H11460627%  
Board 228: Jegs Nuttall / Jane Malecky3NT S5D8501777%  
Board 238: Jegs Nuttall / Jane Malecky2S W2C9140523%  
Board 248: Jegs Nuttall / Jane Malecky4H W9C124801150%  
Board 256: Janette Targett / Panchita Salmon4H WAS9-10000%  
Board 266: Janette Targett / Panchita Salmon2S N9D10-1701464%  
Board 276: Janette Targett / Panchita Salmon3NT E7S104301359%  

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