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Pair 10 EW - Florence Lewis-Bryan / Ian Mansfield
Place: 1, Percentage: 63.97%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 14: Richard Holland / Alison Holland4H NTC11-450314%  
Board 24: Richard Holland / Alison Holland3H EQC91401777%  
Board 34: Richard Holland / Alison Holland1NT W6C5-20015%  
Board 410: Shirley Reddin / Margaret Parsons4H WAC106201986%  
Board 510: Shirley Reddin / Margaret Parsons3NT W3S940022100%  
Board 610: Shirley Reddin / Margaret Parsons3NT W5H116601986%  
Board 75: Denise Jones / Chris Jones4H NJD11-6501255%  
Board 85: Denise Jones / Chris Jones2S W5C81101777%  
Board 95: Denise Jones / Chris Jones2H EAD8110627%  
Board 101: Maureen Richardson / Mary Bell3H ETC8-1001359%  
Board 111: Maureen Richardson / Mary BellPASS N=01255%  
Board 121: Maureen Richardson / Mary Bell3S S6H9-1401150%  
Board 136: Janette Targett / Panchita Salmon3C W6H121702091%  
Board 146: Janette Targett / Panchita Salmon3S SKH9-140523%  
Board 156: Janette Targett / Panchita Salmon2NT W5S6-10029%  
Board 162: Gavan Graham / John McCann1NT W5H91502091%  
Board 172: Gavan Graham / John McCann3C WKD8-501464%  
Board 182: Gavan Graham / John McCann4H WKD114502091%  
Board 1912: Julie Bullen / Andrew Ross3H N2C11-2002091%  
Board 2012: Julie Bullen / Andrew Ross3D EQS101302091%  
Board 2112: Julie Bullen / Andrew Ross6NT W2H1299022100%  
Board 223: Kerry McKillop / Lea Coulston3NT S5D9-4001045%  
Board 233: Kerry McKillop / Lea Coulston3S WQC101701045%  
Board 243: Kerry McKillop / Lea Coulston4H W9C124801150%  
Board 2511: Victor Coombe / Steve Thollar4H W5D126802091%  
Board 2611: Victor Coombe / Steve Thollar3S N9D10-1701464%  
Board 2711: Victor Coombe / Steve Thollar3NT W5C114602091%  

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