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Pair 4 NS - Kiren Couser / Geoff J. Green
Place: 7, Percentage: 54.31%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 12: Ken Chilcott / Helen Philpott5D W6S11-40013%  
Board 22: Ken Chilcott / Helen Philpott4S N7H106201447%  
Board 32: Ken Chilcott / Helen Philpott2NT N8C91502583%  
Board 41: Max Corney / David Wallace2S SAC81101447%  
Board 51: Max Corney / David Wallace3D E8S8502480%  
Board 61: Max Corney / David Wallace1NT SQH6-50930%  
Board 716: Wendy Gilson / Lindsey Johnstone3H W3S72002997%  
Board 816: Wendy Gilson / Lindsey Johnstone2H WQC8-110827%  
Board 916: Wendy Gilson / Lindsey Johnstone2NT W5H9-15013%  
Board 104: John Hey / Cathy Strudwick3C SKS8-1002687%  
Board 114: John Hey / Cathy Strudwick2C W8D9-1101137%  
Board 124: John Hey / Cathy Strudwick3C NAS8-10021.471%  
Board 133: Vicki O'May / Diane Gain3NT S3C96002893%  
Board 143: Vicki O'May / Diane Gain2D S2H9110723%  
Board 153: Vicki O'May / Diane Gain4S W2H9502687%  

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