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Pair 11 NS - Annie Squires / Pam Collins
Place: 15, Percentage: 41.26%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 111: Jill Phillips / Robin Hill4S SAD8-1001033%  
Board 211: Jill Phillips / Robin Hill3S NTH10170413%  
Board 311: Jill Phillips / Robin Hill2S S3C7-50620%  
Board 410: David Crisp / John McCann2S S8C91402480%  
Board 510: David Crisp / John McCann3H EAD71002997%  
Board 610: David Crisp / John McCann1NT STH7901550%  
Board 79: Patsy Primozich / Peter Tsilipanis2H W8C8-1101137%  
Board 89: Patsy Primozich / Peter Tsilipanis2S EAD9-140517%  
Board 99: Patsy Primozich / Peter Tsilipanis2D E6C9-1101447%  
Board 108: Lynne Marszalek / Shelley Pope3S EQH9-1401653%  
Board 118: Lynne Marszalek / Shelley Pope3C WAH9-1101137%  
Board 128: Lynne Marszalek / Shelley Pope3S WAC9-1409.732%  
Board 137: Toni Davidson / Avner Misrachi2NT SAC101801653%  
Board 147: Toni Davidson / Avner Misrachi3D S6S9110723%  
Board 157: Toni Davidson / Avner Misrachi4S W8D10-420827%  

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