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Pair 4 EW - John Hey / Cathy Strudwick
Place: 15, Percentage: 38.13%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 15: Chris Woolley / Kerry McKillop3S SKD10-17000%  
Board 25: Chris Woolley / Kerry McKillop1NT N5D9-15030100%  
Board 35: Chris Woolley / Kerry McKillop2NT NAS8-1201033%  
Board 48: Olga Poduskova / Dmitry Beygul3S SAC9-140620%  
Board 58: Olga Poduskova / Dmitry Beygul1NT E2D81202170%  
Board 68: Olga Poduskova / Dmitry Beygul1NT S8C9-150310%  
Board 76: Kate Richards / Jill Kilburn2H W3S81101963%  
Board 86: Kate Richards / Jill Kilburn2NT EAD6-100517%  
Board 96: Kate Richards / Jill Kilburn1D E3C91101653%  
Board 104: Kiren Couser / Geoff J. Green3C SKS8100413%  
Board 114: Kiren Couser / Geoff J. Green2C W8D91101963%  
Board 124: Kiren Couser / Geoff J. Green3C NAS81008.629%  
Board 137: Jed Dolwin / Fraser Petrie2NT SAC10-1801447%  
Board 147: Jed Dolwin / Fraser Petrie1NT S2H9-15027%  
Board 157: Jed Dolwin / Fraser Petrie3D N9S63001447%  

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