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Pair 2 EW - Ken Chilcott / Helen Philpott
Place: 1, Percentage: 62.96%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 14: Kiren Couser / Geoff J. Green5D W6S114002997%  
Board 24: Kiren Couser / Geoff J. Green4S N7H10-6201653%  
Board 34: Kiren Couser / Geoff J. Green2NT N8C9-150517%  
Board 42: Judith Palmer / Diane Briggs2S S4H8-1101653%  
Board 52: Judith Palmer / Diane Briggs1NT E2D7901240%  
Board 62: Judith Palmer / Diane Briggs2H W5C91402997%  
Board 75: Chris Woolley / Kerry McKillop2H W8C91402687%  
Board 85: Chris Woolley / Kerry McKillop2S EAD7-501240%  
Board 95: Chris Woolley / Kerry McKillop3D E3H101302480%  
Board 103: Peter Mason / Jennifer O'Connor2C S2C10-13000%  
Board 113: Peter Mason / Jennifer O'Connor3C W2S91101963%  
Board 123: Peter Mason / Jennifer O'Connor2S W6H914020.368%  
Board 136: Kate Richards / Jill Kilburn2S S3C620030100%  
Board 146: Kate Richards / Jill Kilburn2S N7D8-1102377%  
Board 156: Kate Richards / Jill Kilburn4S WJD104202273%  

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