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Pair 9 - Annie Squires / Denise Bowden
Place: 12, Percentage: 39.44%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 17: Billie Watson / Victoria Vyvyan2H E7S750250%  
Board 27: Billie Watson / Victoria Vyvyan2S S5H9140375%  
Board 37: Billie Watson / Victoria Vyvyan3H SAS8-5000%  
Board 1010: Judith Palmer / Diane Briggs3C W4D1013000%  
Board 1110: Judith Palmer / Diane Briggs2D W7H89000%  
Board 1210: Judith Palmer / Diane Briggs2C ETH1217000%  
Board 136: Max Corney / David Wallace3C WTS8100338%  
Board 146: Max Corney / David Wallace2H E8S8-110450%  
Board 156: Max Corney / David Wallace3NT W9D9-400225%  
Board 164: Marianne Jotic / Cheryl Pfister4H NJC10-42000%  
Board 174: Marianne Jotic / Cheryl Pfister3H S3S850880%  
Board 184: Marianne Jotic / Cheryl Pfister4H E7S11450550%  
Board 1911: Anne Travers / Jill Kilburn2NT S6S750562%  
Board 2011: Anne Travers / Jill Kilburn2NT N3H8-120225%  
Board 2111: Anne Travers / Jill Kilburn2S SAC8-110338%  
Board 223: Wendy Gilson / Lindsey Johnstone3H W5C91406100%  
Board 233: Wendy Gilson / Lindsey Johnstone3C S3D12-170350%  
Board 243: Wendy Gilson / Lindsey Johnstone3D S6H9-110350%  

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