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Pair 2 - Shelley Pope / Lynne Marszalek
Place: 8, Percentage: 49.06%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 15: Heather Thurstans / Rod Macfarlan2NT E2S7-50250%  
Board 25: Heather Thurstans / Rod Macfarlan3S S9C9-140125%  
Board 35: Heather Thurstans / Rod Macfarlan2NT N2D9-15000%  
Board 412: Jill Phillips / Robin Hill3S WAD9-140375%  
Board 512: Jill Phillips / Robin Hill5D E3H10504100%  
Board 612: Jill Phillips / Robin Hill2S E4H11-20000%  
Board 107: Billie Watson / Victoria Vyvyan3NT E3S13-72000%  
Board 117: Billie Watson / Victoria Vyvyan4H E6C11-450467%  
Board 127: Billie Watson / Victoria Vyvyan5C E7H13-440467%  
Board 1610: Judith Palmer / Diane Briggs3C W5H10130990%  
Board 1710: Judith Palmer / Diane Briggs2S EKC5-150330%  
Board 1810: Judith Palmer / Diane Briggs4H EAC11450550%  
Board 198: Patsy Primozich / Peter Tsilipanis3NT NTH8-50338%  
Board 208: Patsy Primozich / Peter Tsilipanis3D S4C101308100%  
Board 218: Patsy Primozich / Peter Tsilipanis3S S4D7-20000%  
Board 226: Max Corney / David Wallace3H W5C8-100233%  
Board 236: Max Corney / David Wallace4C S8H12-170350%  
Board 246: Max Corney / David Wallace3S W4D7-1006100%  

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