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Pair 1 NS - Adrienne Norton / Chris Girvan
Place: 5, Percentage: 57.01%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 11: Florence Lewis-Bryan / Vicki Douglas4H N3H12480621%  
Board 21: Florence Lewis-Bryan / Vicki Douglas1NT SJH91502589%  
Board 31: Florence Lewis-Bryan / Vicki Douglas4S WAC10-620414%  
Board 416: Robin Barnes / Rita Mawson3H E2D9-1401450%  
Board 516: Robin Barnes / Rita Mawson4H STS116501554%  
Board 616: Robin Barnes / Rita Mawson1NT EKC52002589%  
Board 715: Jegs Nuttall / Jack Pashev1S WTH8-110829%  
Board 815: Jegs Nuttall / Jack Pashev5SX S2H6-110000%  
Board 915: Jegs Nuttall / Jack Pashev2S WTD8-110621%  
Board 1014: Simon Benham / Graeme Poulton4S W8C64002796%  
Board 1114: Simon Benham / Graeme Poulton1NT W7S9-150311%  
Board 1214: Simon Benham / Graeme Poulton5HX NKS10-20027%  
Board 1313: Beth Mauri / Alison Salter3NT EKD9-6001036%  
Board 1413: Beth Mauri / Alison Salter2NT S2C91502486%  
Board 1513: Beth Mauri / Alison Salter2S NJH91402589%  
Board 1612: Henry Nogajski / Ruth Nogajski4H EKC82002796%  
Board 1712: Henry Nogajski / Ruth Nogajski2H SAS811028100%  
Board 1812: Henry Nogajski / Ruth Nogajski4S N4D126801657%  
Board 1911: Peter Fromberg / Anne O'Rourke2H SAS81101864%  
Board 2011: Peter Fromberg / Anne O'Rourke3H E5D12-2302796%  
Board 2111: Peter Fromberg / Anne O'Rourke3H E7S850311%  
Board 2210: Tricia Reid / Odile Glenn4H WTS820028100%  
Board 2310: Tricia Reid / Odile Glenn2S SAH7-1002382%  
Board 2410: Tricia Reid / Odile Glenn2S ETH11-2002279%  
Board 259: Stephen Stolp / Bronwyn Leslie3S N2D8-501657%  
Board 269: Stephen Stolp / Bronwyn Leslie1NT S3S91501346%  
Board 279: Stephen Stolp / Bronwyn Leslie1NT N2C7901657%  

Click on the Board Number to display that complete board, or click on a Pair to show that Pair's performance.

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