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Pair 10 - Maureen Richardson / Brendan Richardson
Place: 5, Percentage: 53.12%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 16: Trish Groom / Malcolm Groom1NT W7S8120583%  
Board 26: Trish Groom / Malcolm Groom5C E9H9-100233%  
Board 36: Trish Groom / Malcolm Groom2S W2D9140233%  
Board 78: Andrew Ross / Mary Ramsay3NT W4S8100467%  
Board 88: Andrew Ross / Mary Ramsay4S EAD950350%  
Board 98: Andrew Ross / Mary Ramsay4H EKC10-620350%  
Board 109: Bronwyn Peatling / Geoff Peatling4S N9D106208100%  
Board 119: Bronwyn Peatling / Geoff Peatling4S SQD10420562%  
Board 129: Bronwyn Peatling / Geoff Peatling3NT WJH850788%  
Board 131: Julie Hunt / Joy Stoddart2H NJS10-170233%  
Board 141: Julie Hunt / Joy Stoddart3H WAC8-50233%  
Board 151: Julie Hunt / Joy Stoddart3S S2H9-140117%  
Board 162: John Green / Tony Crehan4S N8D10-420675%  
Board 172: John Green / Tony Crehan2H NKD750788%  
Board 182: John Green / Tony Crehan5H SAS13-710338%  
Board 193: Patricia Dixon / Lyn Sinclair4H WTC9100675%  
Board 203: Patricia Dixon / Lyn Sinclair3H N7D5-40000%  
Board 213: Patricia Dixon / Lyn Sinclair1NT N7D6-100675%  
Board 224: Ken Chilcott / Helen Philpott2S EKD10-170338%  
Board 234: Ken Chilcott / Helen Philpott4H SJD9-100338%  
Board 244: Ken Chilcott / Helen Philpott2NT WTD9-150338%  

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