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Pair 5 - Laura Hedberg / Frances Millar
Place: 3, Percentage: 58.8%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 16: John Grosvenor / Mardi Grosvenor4H ND79-50338% M
Board 26: John Grosvenor / Mardi Grosvenor3NT WC210-4308100% M
Board 36: John Grosvenor / Mardi Grosvenor4S ES28200450% M
Board 41: Andrea Bissett / Jennifer Bissett4S SH591008100% M
Board 51: Andrea Bissett / Jennifer Bissett4S EDA9-50788% M
Board 61: Andrea Bissett / Jennifer Bissett3H SS310-170788% M
Board 72: Merryl Darby / Lena Jansson4H SD89-100562% M
Board 82: Merryl Darby / Lena Jansson2S NHT7-50112% M
Board 92: Merryl Darby / Lena Jansson3D NC39110225% M
Board 109: Jim Coffey / Moira Smith2S NC86-20000% M
Board 119: Jim Coffey / Moira Smith4H NDA11450450% M
Board 129: Jim Coffey / Moira Smith1NT EH411-21000% M
Board 138: Julia Corr / Shelley James1NT SH961008100% M
Board 148: Julia Corr / Shelley James5C WS2114008100% M
Board 158: Julia Corr / Shelley James4S EHA9-50675% M
Board 163: Betty Pilgrim / Jan Johnston2C SD99-110450% M
Board 173: Betty Pilgrim / Jan Johnston3NTX WSJ95508100% M
Board 183: Betty Pilgrim / Jan Johnston3NT WC49400338% M
Board 194: Veronika Maddock / Nigel Whitley3NT NS4850562% M
Board 204: Veronika Maddock / Nigel Whitley2D WC77-100675% M
Board 214: Veronika Maddock / Nigel Whitley6H SCA111008100% M
Board 227: Jane Routley / Pamela Lidl5H SSQ135108100% M
Board 237: Jane Routley / Pamela Lidl2NT WH710-18000% M
Board 247: Jane Routley / Pamela Lidl3CX NHA7-30000% M
Board 2510: Dianne Dwyer / Florence Maltby4S WHK10-62000% M
Board 2610: Dianne Dwyer / Florence Maltby3NT WC96300675% M
Board 2710: Dianne Dwyer / Florence Maltby6CX EHA111008100% M

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