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Pair 11 NS - Shirley Reddin / Margaret Parsons
Place: 8, Percentage: 47.54%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 111: Coral Goward / Sue Thompson-Walker4H SAC114501568%  
Board 211: Coral Goward / Sue Thompson-Walker4H EAS11-450627%  
Board 311: Coral Goward / Sue Thompson-Walker5H E6H11-650523%  
Board 43: Sue Pearson / Helen Philpott3H N2C8-100523%  
Board 53: Sue Pearson / Helen Philpott3S WAD8501777%  
Board 63: Sue Pearson / Helen Philpott3NT E2H630022100%  
Board 74: Lynn Barlow / Laura Best3NT N7D9600941%  
Board 84: Lynn Barlow / Laura Best4S W3D11-450732%  
Board 94: Lynn Barlow / Laura Best2NT S5D101801464%  
Board 105: Florence Lewis-Bryan / Ian Mansfield2D N2C9110732%  
Board 115: Florence Lewis-Bryan / Ian Mansfield3SX E4C8100836%  
Board 125: Florence Lewis-Bryan / Ian Mansfield4H N6S106201464%  
Board 136: Kaylene Shaw / Jane Dickie1NT N6H101801464%  
Board 146: Kaylene Shaw / Jane Dickie2S E5H7501359%  
Board 156: Kaylene Shaw / Jane Dickie1H N6C9140732%  
Board 167: Jegs Nuttall / Lee McCaghern4H N3D124803.415%  
Board 177: Jegs Nuttall / Lee McCaghernPASS N=0627%  
Board 187: Jegs Nuttall / Lee McCaghern4S N2C11650418%  
Board 198: Jerry Pearson / Toby Meredith3NT W3D9-6001045%  
Board 208: Jerry Pearson / Toby Meredith4S WQS820022100%  
Board 218: Jerry Pearson / Toby Meredith3H EAS9-1401150%  
Board 229: David Crisp / Pam Barter3NT E3S81001673%  
Board 239: David Crisp / Pam Barter3S W2D11-200314%  
Board 249: David Crisp / Pam Barter4S E2C81001777%  
Board 2510: Kay Thiessen / Heather Viney4H E6H10-62029%  
Board 2610: Kay Thiessen / Heather Viney2NT NTD9150523%  
Board 2710: Kay Thiessen / Heather Viney2H NAC91402091%  

Click on the Board Number to display that complete board, or click on a Pair to show that Pair's performance.

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