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Pair 4 NS - Annie Squires / Denise Bowden
Place: 8, Percentage: 36.11%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 16: Margaret Heron / Jerry Pearson4D W8H11-150550%  
Board 26: Margaret Heron / Jerry Pearson2S N4C8110440%  
Board 36: Margaret Heron / Jerry Pearson2H E9C10-170220%  
Board 104: Max Corney / David Wallace3H N6C8-100220%  
Board 114: Max Corney / David Wallace2H N3C7-50220%  
Board 124: Max Corney / David Wallace4D S4S1013000%  
Board 133: Ken Chilcott / Helen Philpott4S N7C9-100110%  
Board 143: Ken Chilcott / Helen Philpott1S E2D11-20000%  
Board 153: Ken Chilcott / Helen Philpott4H W7D715010100%  
Board 162: Patsy Primozich / Peter Tsilipanis3C SAS8-5010100%  
Board 172: Patsy Primozich / Peter Tsilipanis4H S7S10420440%  
Board 182: Patsy Primozich / Peter Tsilipanis3C EKH7100220%  
Board 191: Olga Poduskova / Louise Gilfedder2S W4H9-140220%  
Board 201: Olga Poduskova / Louise Gilfedder3NT E4C11-660220%  
Board 211: Olga Poduskova / Louise Gilfedder2D EAH750550%  
Board 227: Patricia Dixon / Lyn Sinclair3S EAD9-140440%  
Board 237: Patricia Dixon / Lyn Sinclair4S S2H8-20000%  
Board 247: Patricia Dixon / Lyn Sinclair2NT EAD325010100%  

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