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Pair 4 EW - Max Corney / David Wallace
Place: 2, Percentage: 62.78%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 47: Robin Hill / Jill Phillips3NT S6C720010100%  
Board 57: Robin Hill / Jill PhillipsPASS N=0990%  
Board 67: Robin Hill / Jill Phillips3H EJD1017010100%  
Board 104: Annie Squires / Denise Bowden3H N6C8100880%  
Board 114: Annie Squires / Denise Bowden2H N3C750880%  
Board 124: Annie Squires / Denise Bowden4D S4S10-13010100%  
Board 131: Jill Kilburn / Anne Travers4S N7C10-620110%  
Board 141: Jill Kilburn / Anne Travers2H W3C10170880%  
Board 151: Jill Kilburn / Anne Travers3S SKC8100550%  
Board 165: Cheryl Pfister / Marianne Jotic4S W9H10620880%  
Board 175: Cheryl Pfister / Marianne Jotic4S N6C950990%  
Board 185: Cheryl Pfister / Marianne Jotic3H N8S10-17000%  
Board 192: Shelley Pope / Lynne Marszalek1S WJC8110440%  
Board 202: Shelley Pope / Lynne Marszalek3NT E4C9600550%  
Board 212: Shelley Pope / Lynne Marszalek3H N5C9-14000%  
Board 226: Heather Thurstans / Bernie Nicholls3S E3C1017010100%  
Board 236: Heather Thurstans / Bernie Nicholls2S S2H10-17000%  
Board 246: Heather Thurstans / Bernie Nicholls2C EAD9110880%  

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