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Pair 2 - Gail Garnham / Lynne Cooke
Place: 7, Percentage: 46.35%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 15: Jude Horne / Pauline Willis4S EKH9-50225%  
Board 25: Jude Horne / Pauline Willis2H NTS10-1708100%  
Board 35: Jude Horne / Pauline Willis3H EAC8-100225%  
Board 412: Robin Newton / Julia Corr3D S2H11-150562%  
Board 512: Robin Newton / Julia Corr3NT E3D4-25000%  
Board 612: Robin Newton / Julia Corr3NT W7S10630788%  
Board 79: Julia Johnson / Sharn Davies3S SAC8-100225%  
Board 89: Julia Johnson / Sharn Davies5S SKH9-100112%  
Board 99: Julia Johnson / Sharn Davies3H NJC8-50450%  
Board 134: Robin Beattie / Alan Greenlees3C SQH8100338%  
Board 144: Robin Beattie / Alan Greenlees2S S5D8-110562%  
Board 154: Robin Beattie / Alan Greenlees3NT W8H11460788%  
Board 1610: Barbara Giizel / Pam Murphy2D S2C6-10000%  
Board 1710: Barbara Giizel / Pam Murphy2H EKD6100225%  
Board 1810: Barbara Giizel / Pam Murphy3H EAD850450%  
Board 198: Barry Kelly / Mark Lehmann4H S8C8-100225%  
Board 208: Barry Kelly / Mark Lehmann2S W4D7100562%  
Board 218: Barry Kelly / Mark Lehmann1NT E9D10-1808100%  
Board 226: Gordon Dowell / Paul Dunne2D N5C10-130788%  
Board 236: Gordon Dowell / Paul Dunne6NT E2H10-200225%  
Board 246: Gordon Dowell / Paul Dunne2C W4S9110675%  
Board 2511: Jocy Anderson / Ian Barton1S WKH8-110225%  
Board 2611: Jocy Anderson / Ian Barton2S NQH811000%  
Board 2711: Jocy Anderson / Ian Barton5H SQC10-50562%  

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