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Pair 5 - John Green / Tony Crehan
Place: 6, Percentage: 47.77%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 12: David Dunbabin / Ian Ritchie3NT W4D10-430233%  
Board 22: David Dunbabin / Ian Ritchie4D EAS11-150233%  
Board 32: David Dunbabin / Ian Ritchie4S SAH10420350%  
Board 711: Curtis Smith / Diane Briggs4S N6C10-620350%  
Board 811: Curtis Smith / Diane Briggs3S NTC10-1706100%  
Board 911: Curtis Smith / Diane Briggs2S N4C10-170467%  
Board 1312: Maggie Aird / Robyn Gottschalk3H W6S10170233%  
Board 1412: Maggie Aird / Robyn Gottschalk1NT S5D6506100%  
Board 1512: Maggie Aird / Robyn Gottschalk2S SKH10-17000%  
Board 163: Hannah Moult / Elizabeth Legge4C N7H12170225%  
Board 173: Hannah Moult / Elizabeth Legge3S EAC10-170675%  
Board 183: Hannah Moult / Elizabeth Legge2C N5S9110450%  
Board 191: Christine Linton / Joy Stoddart1NT N8S10180225%  
Board 201: Christine Linton / Joy Stoddart5D S3H8-3008100%  
Board 211: Christine Linton / Joy Stoddart3D E3C850450%  
Board 227: Trish Groom / Malcolm Groom3C N7H85000%  
Board 237: Trish Groom / Malcolm Groom5C WAS7-400675%  
Board 247: Trish Groom / Malcolm Groom3C SAD10-130112%  
Board 2510: Maureen Richardson / Brendan Richardson3D N5S10-13000%  
Board 2610: Maureen Richardson / Brendan Richardson2H SAS53008100%  
Board 2710: Maureen Richardson / Brendan Richardson2NT E8D8120225%  

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