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Pair 12 - Maggie Aird / Robyn Gottschalk
Place: 7, Percentage: 46.09%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 11: Christine Linton / Joy Stoddart3NT E3C8506100%  
Board 21: Christine Linton / Joy Stoddart5DX EAC93006100%  
Board 31: Christine Linton / Joy Stoddart3S SAH1017000%  
Board 42: David Dunbabin / Ian Ritchie3NT E2C10-63000%  
Board 52: David Dunbabin / Ian Ritchie3NT N4C9600467%  
Board 62: David Dunbabin / Ian Ritchie2H E2D7100233%  
Board 73: Hannah Moult / Elizabeth Legge4S S8C9-10000%  
Board 83: Hannah Moult / Elizabeth Legge4S N2D10420467%  
Board 93: Hannah Moult / Elizabeth Legge3NT S4D8-5000%  
Board 104: Ken Chilcott / Helen Philpott3NT E4H10-630350%  
Board 114: Ken Chilcott / Helen Philpott2H S2C6-100467%  
Board 124: Ken Chilcott / Helen Philpott3NT S2H11660467%  
Board 135: John Green / Tony Crehan3H W6S10-170467%  
Board 145: John Green / Tony Crehan1NT S5D6-5000%  
Board 155: John Green / Tony Crehan2S SKH101706100%  
Board 166: Terry Wilson / Hugh Grosvenor5C N4D11400675%  
Board 176: Terry Wilson / Hugh Grosvenor4S EAC11-450225%  
Board 186: Terry Wilson / Hugh Grosvenor1H E7D7-8000%  
Board 197: Trish Groom / Malcolm Groom2D N5S7-5000%  
Board 207: Trish Groom / Malcolm Groom4H W9C11-650338%  
Board 217: Trish Groom / Malcolm Groom3D E3C7100675%  
Board 228: Geoff Peatling / Bronwyn Peatling3S WKC10-17000%  
Board 238: Geoff Peatling / Bronwyn Peatling4H NQS12680788%  
Board 248: Geoff Peatling / Bronwyn Peatling4C SAD10130788%  

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