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Pair 1 EW - Rick Rolls / Martin Bennett
Place: 4, Percentage: 31.25%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 11: Annie Bartlett / Zac Bartlett4H N9D10-420250%  
Board 21: Annie Bartlett / Zac Bartlett3NT N7H11-66000%  
Board 31: Annie Bartlett / Zac Bartlett4H SKD10-420375%  
Board 41: Annie Bartlett / Zac Bartlett4H N9C12-68000%  
Board 54: Hugh Grosvenor / Hannah Moult2H NKC10-17000%  
Board 64: Hugh Grosvenor / Hannah Moult4S E8D126804100%  
Board 74: Hugh Grosvenor / Hannah Moult2H EJS5-300125%  
Board 84: Hugh Grosvenor / Hannah Moult2H N8S10-170125%  
Board 92: John Green / Tony Crehan2S S3H8-11000%  
Board 102: John Green / Tony Crehan2S EKD811000%  
Board 112: John Green / Tony Crehan1D N5C9-1104100%  
Board 122: John Green / Tony Crehan3H SKD9-14000%  

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