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Pair 4 EW - Coral Goward / Annette Keen
Place: 11, Percentage: 38.33%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 17: Victor Coombe / Steve Thollar4H NAC11-450315%  
Board 27: Victor Coombe / Steve Thollar5C N8D12-62000%  
Board 37: Victor Coombe / Steve Thollar6D WQH12137020100%  
Board 411: Joy Stoddart / Andrew Ross4H NQS11-650840%  
Board 511: Joy Stoddart / Andrew Ross4H NKC10-620420%  
Board 611: Joy Stoddart / Andrew Ross4S EQD12680630%  
Board 78: Anna Chivers / Lea Coulston2NT S7H9-150945%  
Board 88: Anna Chivers / Lea Coulston4S S6C715020100%  
Board 98: Anna Chivers / Lea Coulston3S NKC85015%  
Board 104: Anne O'Rourke / Judith Cerchez2S EAH8110735%  
Board 114: Anne O'Rourke / Judith Cerchez3NT NAS9-40015%  
Board 124: Anne O'Rourke / Judith Cerchez3NT E6H8-50525%  
Board 139: Angie McDermott / Helen Sparrow3NT N2S9-60015%  
Board 149: Angie McDermott / Helen Sparrow4S E8D104201680%  
Board 159: Angie McDermott / Helen Sparrow3S EAC91401470%  
Board 165: Sue Thompson-Walker / Jane Malecky6H EAS1214301890%  
Board 175: Sue Thompson-Walker / Jane Malecky1S NKC7-80630%  
Board 185: Sue Thompson-Walker / Jane Malecky2H WJS81101890%  
Board 1910: Shirley Reddin / Margaret Parsons3S E3H10170630%  
Board 2010: Shirley Reddin / Margaret Parsons3H E5C9140735%  
Board 2110: Shirley Reddin / Margaret Parsons3S E2H10170315%  
Board 226: Hugh Griffiths / Yvonne Menadue3NT W3D106301890%  
Board 236: Hugh Griffiths / Yvonne Menadue2H EAD7-100315%  
Board 246: Hugh Griffiths / Yvonne Menadue2NT NKD10-180420%  
Board 251: Maureen Richardson / Mary Bell3NT N4S10-430315%  
Board 261: Maureen Richardson / Mary Bell3H N2C10-170210%  
Board 271: Maureen Richardson / Mary Bell2S EAC6-100420%  

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