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Pair 1 EW - Malcolm Sherlock / Trish Colles
Place: 8, Percentage: 48.15%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 11: Maureen Richardson / Mary Bell4H NAC10-4201365%  
Board 21: Maureen Richardson / Mary Bell5C SJS11-600315%  
Board 31: Maureen Richardson / Mary Bell5HX NAS11-65000%  
Board 46: Hugh Griffiths / Yvonne Menadue4H NQS12-680210%  
Board 56: Hugh Griffiths / Yvonne Menadue4H NKC91001890%  
Board 66: Hugh Griffiths / Yvonne Menadue6H WAD1314601995%  
Board 72: Gavan Graham / John McCann2HX EJS6-50000%  
Board 82: Gavan Graham / John McCann2S SQC8-110315%  
Board 92: Gavan Graham / John McCann4H NKC620020100%  
Board 107: Victor Coombe / Steve Thollar2S EKD91401260%  
Board 117: Victor Coombe / Steve Thollar3NT N3S9-40015%  
Board 127: Victor Coombe / Steve Thollar1NT W4S8120945%  
Board 133: Ann Druett / Mary Dwyer2NT S6H9-150840%  
Board 143: Ann Druett / Mary Dwyer4S ETD104201680%  
Board 153: Ann Druett / Mary Dwyer2NT NAD7100630%  
Board 168: Anna Chivers / Lea Coulston4H WKS12680630%  
Board 178: Anna Chivers / Lea Coulston3NT NKC71001890%  
Board 188: Anna Chivers / Lea Coulston1NT E5S7901155%  
Board 194: Anne O'Rourke / Judith Cerchez3NT EKS106301365%  
Board 204: Anne O'Rourke / Judith Cerchez3S SAH63001785%  
Board 214: Anne O'Rourke / Judith Cerchez4S WKC104201365%  
Board 229: Angie McDermott / Helen Sparrow4H WKS106201470%  
Board 239: Angie McDermott / Helen Sparrow1NT E7D6-100315%  
Board 249: Angie McDermott / Helen Sparrow3NT N4D10-43000%  
Board 255: Sue Thompson-Walker / Jane Malecky3H S5S9-1401050%  
Board 265: Sue Thompson-Walker / Jane Malecky3H NAS81001365%  
Board 275: Sue Thompson-Walker / Jane Malecky1C S3H51001260%  

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