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Pair 1 - Sue Martin / Jinny Fuss
Place: 8, Percentage: 46.6%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 12: Wendy Butler / Dennis Butler6S NHJ131010867% M
Board 22: Wendy Butler / Dennis Butler2NT NSA812012100% M
Board 32: Wendy Butler / Dennis Butler2H SD86-10000% M
Board 45: Julia Corr / Shelley James3S NCK9-14000% M
Board 55: Julia Corr / Shelley James4H NDA10-620433% M
Board 65: Julia Corr / Shelley James3NT EH79600650% M
Board 710: Keong Chen / Leonie Atkins4S WHT8-200433% M
Board 810: Keong Chen / Leonie Atkins2D ES210130542% M
Board 910: Keong Chen / Leonie Atkins2NT SD9610012100% M
Board 1013: Fiona Hickey / Alaine Macmorran3NT ECK8-100217% M
Board 1113: Fiona Hickey / Alaine Macmorran3H WDQ7-100650% M
Board 1213: Fiona Hickey / Alaine Macmorran1NT EDA91501083% M
Board 1312: Jane Routley / Pamela Lidl3S EHA720012100% M
Board 1412: Jane Routley / Pamela Lidl3S EDJ850650% M
Board 1512: Jane Routley / Pamela Lidl6S WDA13-101000% M
Board 168: Kristine Thompson / Wendy Newman4C SHQ11-1501083% M
Board 178: Kristine Thompson / Wendy Newman3H ES28-501083% M
Board 188: Kristine Thompson / Wendy Newman6HX WCA11-100217% M
Board 194: Jennifer Bissett / Andrea Bissett (1186272)3H NS410-170433% M
Board 204: Jennifer Bissett / Andrea Bissett (1186272)3NT NS5810012100% M
Board 214: Jennifer Bissett / Andrea Bissett (1186272)2H WC912230758% M
Board 223: Lena Jansson / Merryl Darby3NT WS212-69018% M
Board 233: Lena Jansson / Merryl Darby2H SCA8110867% M
Board 243: Lena Jansson / Merryl Darby3NT NS78-5000% M
Board 257: John Grosvenor / Mardi Grosvenor4C SSA9-50433% M
Board 267: John Grosvenor / Mardi Grosvenor2S EH57100542% M
Board 277: John Grosvenor / Mardi Grosvenor2NT WS59-15018% M

Click on the Board Number to display that complete board, or click on a Pair to show that Pair's performance.

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