Pair 9 EW - Tony Dix / Chris Blake
Place: 4, Percentage: 58.33%
Board No
vs Pr
Contract Lead Result
Matchpoints %
Board 1 10: Marilyn Hickton / Therese Gilfedder 1NT N 9D 8 -120 12 60% Board 2 10: Marilyn Hickton / Therese Gilfedder 4 N
2D 10 -620 11 55% Board 3 10: Marilyn Hickton / Therese Gilfedder 4 S
8S 10 -420 16 80% Board 4 12: Tony Preece / Garry Dazeley 2NT E QS 10 180 15 75% Board 5 12: Tony Preece / Garry Dazeley 3NT E 4D 11 460 13 65% Board 6 12: Tony Preece / Garry Dazeley adj adj Board 7 11: Cheryl Pfister / Marianne Jotic 3NT W 5S 8 -100 8 40% Board 8 11: Cheryl Pfister / Marianne Jotic 3 E
6H 8 -50 0 0% Board 9 11: Cheryl Pfister / Marianne Jotic 3NT E 2C 10 630 17 85% Board 10 9: Judith Palmer / Glenn Johnson 3NT S 7S 7 200 18 90% Board 11 9: Judith Palmer / Glenn Johnson 4 W
TC 10 420 11 55% Board 12 9: Judith Palmer / Glenn Johnson adj adj Board 13 1: Herman Rockefeller / Rafi Rafiul 3NT S 6S 8 100 13 65% Board 14 1: Herman Rockefeller / Rafi Rafiul 3 N
QC 11 -200 17 85% Board 15 1: Herman Rockefeller / Rafi Rafiul 3 S
3C 8 100 4 20%
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