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Pair 13 EW - Lea Coulston / Victoria Vyvyan
Place: 9, Percentage: 47.22%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 13: Annie Squires / Denise Bowden4H S9D11-450312%  
Board 23: Annie Squires / Denise Bowden3S S4H9-14028%  
Board 33: Annie Squires / Denise Bowden2S N6C51501875%  
Board 41: Herman Rockefeller / Rafi Rafiul4S NKH91002083%  
Board 51: Herman Rockefeller / Rafi Rafiul3D WAS101301667%  
Board 61: Herman Rockefeller / Rafi Rafiul2H EQC6-20000%  
Board 74: Bronwen King / Christina Buell4S N5C12-68000%  
Board 84: Bronwen King / Christina Buell2S E2C101702083%  
Board 94: Bronwen King / Christina Buell5C WQS1160024100%  
Board 102: Judith Palmer / Diane Briggs5D EKC10-1001562%  
Board 112: Judith Palmer / Diane Briggs3NT E2H114601979%  
Board 122: Judith Palmer / Diane Briggs1NT E3S7902083%  
Board 1313: Anne Francis / Vicki O'May2H S5C9-140417%  
Board 1413: Anne Francis / Vicki O'May1NT W3S8120729%  
Board 1513: Anne Francis / Vicki O'May1NT N5H7-9028%  

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