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Pair 13 EW - Denise Devitt / Randy Rose
Place: 12, Percentage: 44.89%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 114: Robin Hill / Bernie Nicholls2H N9S9-1401137%  
Board 214: Robin Hill / Bernie Nicholls1NT EAC91502997%  
Board 314: Robin Hill / Bernie Nicholls4H S6C11-45027%  
Board 416: Glenn Johnson / Trish Colles2NT W7C6-20027%  
Board 516: Glenn Johnson / Trish Colles2C S4S62002687%  
Board 616: Glenn Johnson / Trish Colles2NT S3C8-12027%  
Board 713: Dmitry Beygul / Olga Poduskova4S N6C11-650620%  
Board 813: Dmitry Beygul / Olga Poduskova2D NAC75013%  
Board 913: Dmitry Beygul / Olga Poduskova3NT S6C71002273%  
Board 1015: Chris Woolley / Kerry McKillop3C NQD10-1301447%  
Board 1115: Chris Woolley / Kerry McKillop3NT N9S10-43027%  
Board 1215: Chris Woolley / Kerry McKillop1NT N8S52002790%  
Board 131: Herman Rockefeller / Rafi Rafiul2D S2S8-901860%  
Board 141: Herman Rockefeller / Rafi Rafiul3D S6C8501653%  
Board 151: Herman Rockefeller / Rafi Rafiul3H SAC81002480%  

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