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Pair 4 - Judith Oxley / Lynne Cooke
Place: 9, Percentage: 49.38%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 118: Duncan Abercromby / Phil Timmins3NT W6D11-460211%  
Board 218: Duncan Abercromby / Phil Timmins4S W4H950739%  
Board 318: Duncan Abercromby / Phil Timmins3SX NTC8-100844%  
Board 417: Yolande Boost / Lee McCaghern1NT N4S9-1501056%  
Board 517: Yolande Boost / Lee McCaghern4H N5C82001689%  
Board 617: Yolande Boost / Lee McCaghern1NT N6D51001267%  
Board 716: Janet Bradley / Leonie Atkins5NT W6C126901794%  
Board 816: Janet Bradley / Leonie Atkins2D W5C111501583%  
Board 916: Janet Bradley / Leonie Atkins3NT S2H520018100%  
Board 1014: Mardi Grosvenor / John Grosvenor2H W4S8-1101056%  
Board 1114: Mardi Grosvenor / John Grosvenor4S E9D13-510211%  
Board 1214: Mardi Grosvenor / John Grosvenor4D S6H13190317%  
Board 1313: Vicki Douglas / Clare Handbury3NT S2S106301267%  
Board 1413: Vicki Douglas / Clare Handbury2NT S6H8120739%  
Board 1513: Vicki Douglas / Clare Handbury6S W9D101001689%  
Board 1612: Anne Parrott / Jenny CranstonPASS N=0422%  
Board 1712: Anne Parrott / Jenny Cranston3NT E9C10-430950%  
Board 1812: Anne Parrott / Jenny Cranston4H S5C106201372%  
Board 1911: Jude Horne / Pauline Willis4H N6S12480950%  
Board 2011: Jude Horne / Pauline Willis6NT S2S11-100422%  
Board 2111: Jude Horne / Pauline Willis1NT EJS7-90211%  
Board 2220: Darryl Smith / David Marshall4S E2C11-650633%  
Board 2320: Darryl Smith / David Marshall3NT W5H10-6301056%  
Board 2420: Darryl Smith / David Marshall4S WKH10-420739%  
Board 2519: Gail Garnham / Kay Potter2NT S5C9150422%  
Board 2619: Gail Garnham / Kay Potter3S EAC9-1401478%  
Board 2719: Gail Garnham / Kay Potter3NT S3H7-100317%  

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