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Pair 3 - Nigel Brookes / Margaret Gibbs
Place: 12, Percentage: 45.06%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 116: Janet Bradley / Leonie Atkins4H EQD114501161%  
Board 216: Janet Bradley / Leonie Atkins2S W4H811018100%  
Board 316: Janet Bradley / Leonie Atkins4H E7S106201583%  
Board 415: Geraldine Carey / Anne O'Rourke2H S4H11-200211%  
Board 515: Geraldine Carey / Anne O'Rourke4H N5C9100950%  
Board 615: Geraldine Carey / Anne O'Rourke2H W9C81101478%  
Board 713: Vicki Douglas / Clare Handbury3NT WQC12-69016%  
Board 813: Vicki Douglas / Clare Handbury3H NAC91401689%  
Board 913: Vicki Douglas / Clare Handbury2D S2H101301161%  
Board 1012: Anne Parrott / Jenny CranstonPASS N=01583%  
Board 1112: Anne Parrott / Jenny Cranston4S W2C12-480739%  
Board 1212: Anne Parrott / Jenny Cranston4S N8H12680950%  
Board 1311: Jude Horne / Pauline Willis3NT S2S106301267%  
Board 1411: Jude Horne / Pauline Willis2NT S6H8120739%  
Board 1511: Jude Horne / Pauline Willis5S WTD11-450528%  
Board 1620: Darryl Smith / David Marshall2NT S4H7-5000%  
Board 1720: Darryl Smith / David Marshall3NT E8C11-46016%  
Board 1820: Darryl Smith / David Marshall5H S5C10-100317%  
Board 1919: Gail Garnham / Kay Potter4H N6S12480950%  
Board 2019: Gail Garnham / Kay Potter6H STC10-20016%  
Board 2119: Gail Garnham / Kay Potter1NT W3S650528%  
Board 2218: Duncan Abercromby / Phil Timmins4S E3C11-650633%  
Board 2318: Duncan Abercromby / Phil Timmins3NT WJC12-69000%  
Board 2418: Duncan Abercromby / Phil Timmins4S EJH10-420739%  
Board 2517: Yolande Boost / Lee McCaghern3NT S5C94001161%  
Board 2617: Yolande Boost / Lee McCaghern3H EAS10-1701056%  
Board 2717: Yolande Boost / Lee McCaghern3S N2D91401478%  

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