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Pair 10 EW - Henry Nogajski / Ruth Nogajski
Place: 6, Percentage: 55.07%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 110: Philip Le Grove / Barry Taranto4H S8S11-4508.525%  
Board 210: Philip Le Grove / Barry Taranto3H E4S91401956%  
Board 310: Philip Le Grove / Barry Taranto3NT S3H9-4002676%  
Board 415: Engelina Poulton / Gill Robinson3NT N3H9-60000%  
Board 515: Engelina Poulton / Gill Robinson3D S4C10-1301647%  
Board 615: Engelina Poulton / Gill Robinson4H E8D126802162%  
Board 711: Geraldine Carey / Lyn Sinclair3S E2C101701544%  
Board 811: Geraldine Carey / Lyn Sinclair2S WAD81101750%  
Board 911: Geraldine Carey / Lyn Sinclair3NT EKS116603088%  
Board 1016: Nola Calvert / Rex Calvert2D NTH620034100%  
Board 1116: Nola Calvert / Rex Calvert3NT S7H9-400926%  
Board 1216: Nola Calvert / Rex Calvert2D EAC1115026%  
Board 1312: Catherine Catt / Sharlene Campbell3NT N9H10-63013%  
Board 1412: Catherine Catt / Sharlene Campbell3S W3D101702059%  
Board 1512: Catherine Catt / Sharlene Campbell3D W8S111502162%  
Board 1617: Alison Salter / Beth Mauri3H EJD91403088%  
Board 1717: Alison Salter / Beth Mauri3S NTH11-2002162%  
Board 1817: Alison Salter / Beth Mauri2S S9C8-1101235%  
Board 1913: Janette Targett / Ron Berry3D W6S11150618%  
Board 2013: Janette Targett / Ron Berry4S N3H13-7102574%  
Board 2113: Janette Targett / Ron Berry4S N6D82003294%  
Board 2218: Anna Chivers / Lea Coulston3H S2C10-1702368%  
Board 2318: Anna Chivers / Lea Coulston4S SKD820034100%  
Board 2418: Anna Chivers / Lea Coulston2S S5D7502265%  
Board 2514: Laura Best / Geoff J. Green4H EAS116501441%  
Board 2614: Laura Best / Geoff J. Green1NT S5D61001544%  
Board 2714: Laura Best / Geoff J. Green3H E2S91403294%  

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