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Pair 10 NS - Liz Sellen / Clive Sellen
Place: 1, Percentage: 63.6%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 12: Mardi Grosvenor / John Grosvenor2NT E8H9-150211%  
Board 22: Mardi Grosvenor / John Grosvenor3NT EAS71001583%  
Board 32: Mardi Grosvenor / John Grosvenor4C WAD10-130211%  
Board 43: Ann Briginshaw / Louise Voss2NT W9H8-1201161%  
Board 53: Ann Briginshaw / Louise Voss2S EAC6100633%  
Board 63: Ann Briginshaw / Louise Voss4H NAS114501794%  
Board 74: Kate Dalgleish / Odile Glenn4H WAC730018100%  
Board 84: Kate Dalgleish / Odile Glenn5D N3H10-5010.156%  
Board 94: Kate Dalgleish / Odile Glenn1NT S5S915018100%  
Board 105: Florence Lewis-Bryan / Ian Mansfield2H N2C81101056%  
Board 115: Florence Lewis-Bryan / Ian Mansfield4SX EAH83001689%  
Board 125: Florence Lewis-Bryan / Ian Mansfield3S S6C8-100422%  
Board 136: Robin Barnes / Noela Foxcroft3D EAC10-1301478%  
Board 146: Robin Barnes / Noela Foxcroft3NT W6S520018100%  
Board 156: Robin Barnes / Noela Foxcroft2C N2H101301267%  
Board 167: Helen Thomas / Kaylene Shaw1NT N6H790844%  
Board 177: Helen Thomas / Kaylene Shaw3NT N2D124901583%  
Board 187: Helen Thomas / Kaylene Shaw4D E3S11-1501267%  
Board 198: Sue Thompson-Walker / Lee McCaghern3S SAC8-50950%  
Board 208: Sue Thompson-Walker / Lee McCaghern4H SJS106201583%  
Board 218: Sue Thompson-Walker / Lee McCaghern4H S5S106201056%  
Board 229: Shirley Reddin / Margaret Parsons3H E2D63001794%  
Board 239: Shirley Reddin / Margaret Parsons4S N3H137101372%  
Board 249: Shirley Reddin / Margaret Parsons2S E2C8-110317%  
Board 2510: Henry Nogajski / Ruth Nogajski3C SAD111501478%  
Board 2610: Henry Nogajski / Ruth Nogajski1NT EQS7-90422%  
Board 2710: Henry Nogajski / Ruth Nogajski4S STC114501689%  

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