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Pair 1 NS - Suzanne Coleman / Craig Coleman
Place: 12, Percentage: 41.28%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 11: Jill Phillips / Robin Hill3NT E2C11-460211%  
Board 21: Jill Phillips / Robin Hill1NT W2D10-18000%  
Board 31: Jill Phillips / Robin Hill3C W2H11-150844%  
Board 414: Kate Richards / Trish Colles1NT S5S6-100528%  
Board 514: Kate Richards / Trish Colles2D N5S91101689%  
Board 614: Kate Richards / Trish Colles3NT E2H81001267%  
Board 713: Wendy Gilson / Lindsey Johnstone5S NKD10-100528%  
Board 813: Wendy Gilson / Lindsey Johnstone4H E6D9501161%  
Board 913: Wendy Gilson / Lindsey Johnstone4C SQS6-200211%  
Board 1012: Ken Chilcott / Helen Philpott4S S8H10620844%  
Board 1112: Ken Chilcott / Helen Philpott2H W2C9-14000%  
Board 1212: Ken Chilcott / Helen Philpott3NT N2C1063018100%  
Board 1311: Annette Bills / Diane Gain3H E5S10-1701161%  
Board 1411: Annette Bills / Diane Gain3C W4D8501056%  
Board 1511: Annette Bills / Diane Gain5S W5H12-4803.419%  

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