Pair 5 EW - Marianne Jotic / Cheryl Pfister
Place: 3, Percentage: 59.49%
Board No
vs Pr
Contract Lead Result
Matchpoints %
Board 1 8: Don Macleod / Jane Malecky 2NT E QS 7 -50 11 42% Board 2 8: Don Macleod / Jane Malecky 1 W
AC 7 80 8 31% Board 3 8: Don Macleod / Jane Malecky 3NT N 3H 11 -460 8 31% Board 4 6: Gayle West / Mark West 1NT W KD 8 120 22 85% Board 5 6: Gayle West / Mark West 2 N
2C 10 -130 14 54% Board 6 6: Gayle West / Mark West 3 S
QS 8 50 10 38% Board 7 9: Victor Coombe / Steve Thollar 1NT E QC 9 150 18 69% Board 8 9: Victor Coombe / Steve Thollar 1NT W JD 8 120 26 100% Board 9 9: Victor Coombe / Steve Thollar 4 E
3S 10 620 16 62% Board 10 7: Sarah Bolt / Robyn Gregory 3 E
6C 9 110 7 27% Board 11 7: Sarah Bolt / Robyn Gregory 3 W
3C 9 140 26 100% Board 12 7: Sarah Bolt / Robyn Gregory 3NT S 3S 8 100 21 81% Board 13 5: Victoria Vyvyan / Lea Coulston 4 W
AD 9 -100 11 42% Board 14 5: Victoria Vyvyan / Lea Coulston 3 E
KC 11 200 13 50% Board 15 5: Victoria Vyvyan / Lea Coulston 4 N
8C 7 300 21 81%
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