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Pair 10 - Lyn Bremner / Glenn Bremner
Place: 7, Percentage: 48.96%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 15: Sophie Kim / Graham Brown4S E3H114501083%  
Board 25: Sophie Kim / Graham Brown4S S3C12-680325%  
Board 35: Sophie Kim / Graham Brown4H S3D9501083%  
Board 42: Erica McCoull / Betty Pilgrim4H E2D10620650%  
Board 52: Erica McCoull / Betty Pilgrim4S SJC91001083%  
Board 62: Erica McCoull / Betty Pilgrim3S WAC9140325%  
Board 76: Judy Keating / Lynne Cooke2NT N2S9-15000%  
Board 86: Judy Keating / Lynne Cooke1S WAC780433%  
Board 96: Judy Keating / Lynne Cooke2H WKS8110325%  
Board 103: Leigh Blizzard / Julie Rhodes3NT S5S10-630433%  
Board 113: Leigh Blizzard / Julie Rhodes2D W9D89018%  
Board 123: Leigh Blizzard / Julie Rhodes4H SKD9100975%  
Board 137: Nola Calvert / Rex Calvert2S N2C62001192%  
Board 147: Nola Calvert / Rex Calvert4D EAC9-50433%  
Board 157: Nola Calvert / Rex Calvert3S S2H720012100%  
Board 164: Robin Newton / Jo Beck3NT S8D10-430217%  
Board 174: Robin Newton / Jo Beck2C W8D9110650%  
Board 184: Robin Newton / Jo Beck4S WJD104201192%  
Board 1911: Bronwyn Fuller / Regina Share3D WTS1013000%  
Board 2011: Bronwyn Fuller / Regina Share2H E4D101701083%  
Board 2111: Bronwyn Fuller / Regina Share2D E3S9110650%  
Board 229: Dallas Cooper / Sue Wilkinson4S WAD11-650542%  
Board 239: Dallas Cooper / Sue Wilkinson2H SKC8110867%  
Board 249: Dallas Cooper / Sue Wilkinson4H E6D11-450325%  

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