Pair 12 NS - Anne Fitzgerald / Mary-Jane Weld
Place: 5, Percentage: 54.17%
Board No
vs Pr
Contract Lead Result
Matchpoints %
Board 1 12: Deann Robinson / Pam Noga 3 W
6D 8 50 21 95% Board 2 11: Patsy Primozich / Peter Tsilipanis 4 S
KH 11 650 15 68% Board 3 10: Nick Griggs / Diane Gain 4 S
KS 11 450 19 86% Board 4 9: Graham Bury / Sue Thompson-Walker 3NT S AC 9 600 22 100% Board 5 8: Jill Kilburn / Jane Hall 4 W
5C 11 -450 4 18% Board 6 7: Annie Currant / Lucy Burbidge 4 N
4C 10 420 20 91% Board 7 6: Denise Bowden / Marie Murray-Arthur 4 W
2H 10 -130 8 36% Board 8 5: Catherine Catt / Christina Buell 4 N
7S 9 -50 2 9% Board 9 4: Olga Poduskova / Carol Hughes 2 E
4H 10 -170 13 59% Board 10 3: Jed Dolwin / Fraser Petrie 3NTX S KH 6 -800 0 0% Board 11 2: Max Corney / Helen Philpott 3 W
5S 7 100 10 45% Board 12 1: Denise Devitt / Tony Powe 2 W
4S 6 100 9 41%
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