Pair 8 EW - Patsy Primozich / Peter Tsilipanis
Place: 7, Percentage: 46.36%
Board No
vs Pr
Contract Lead Result
Matchpoints %
Board 1 12: Anne O'Rourke / Victoria Onslow 2 S
7H 9 -140 6 27% Board 2 12: Anne O'Rourke / Victoria Onslow 3NT N TC 11 -660 11 50% Board 3 12: Anne O'Rourke / Victoria Onslow 4 S
6H 9 50 10 45% Board 4 10: Diaine Clark / Don Macleod 3 N
8H 10 -170 10 45% Board 5 10: Diaine Clark / Don Macleod 5 S
6H 10 100 12 55% Board 6 10: Diaine Clark / Don Macleod 2 W
8C 8 90 18 82% Board 7 8: Billie Watson / Anne McEntee 2NT S 4H 10 -180 18 82% Board 8 8: Billie Watson / Anne McEntee 1NT E 8D 10 180 22 100% Board 9 8: Billie Watson / Anne McEntee 1NT W 5C 6 -100 1 5% Board 10 11: Max Corney / David Wallace 2 E
4S 9 140 16 73% Board 11 11: Max Corney / David Wallace 4 S
7H 12 -480 3 14% Board 12 11: Max Corney / David Wallace 1 X W
8C 7 160 12 55% Board 13 9: Lindsey Johnstone / Wendy Gilson 1NT W 5S 6 -100 5 23% Board 14 9: Lindsey Johnstone / Wendy Gilson 5 E
2H 9 -100 1 5% Board 15 9: Lindsey Johnstone / Wendy Gilson 3NT S 9C 10 -630 8 36%
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