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Pair 7 EW - Sue Thompson-Walker / Annette Bills
Place: 12, Percentage: 36.09%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 14: Judith Abbott / Mary Dwyer2S E6H7-501470%  
Board 24: Judith Abbott / Mary Dwyer3H SAS81001260%  
Board 311: Margie Hodgson / Kerry McKillop4H NAD10-420735%  
Board 411: Margie Hodgson / Kerry McKillop2S EKC81102.312%  
Board 55: Walter Taylor / Joy Bowman4H N5C91001575%  
Board 65: Walter Taylor / Joy Bowman2H S8D10-1702.312%  
Board 712: Wayne Seabrook / John Shepperd2NT W2H4-40000%  
Board 812: Wayne Seabrook / John Shepperd2S E4H10170315%  
Board 1113: Jan Colville / Yvonne Menadue2S N2D10-170210%  
Board 1213: Jan Colville / Yvonne Menadue5D NAS11-60015%  
Board 137: Jane Dickie / Leonie Atkins3H W2C101701260%  
Board 147: Jane Dickie / Leonie Atkins4D E7C1013020100%  
Board 151: Clive Sellen / Liz Sellen4H SAC10-620525%  
Board 161: Clive Sellen / Liz Sellen2H SAD9-1401155%  
Board 178: Laura Best / Lynn Barlow3NT NAC9-4001050%  
Board 188: Laura Best / Lynn Barlow1C EQH5-1002.312%  
Board 192: Joy Stoddart / Mary Bell4S S5C10-420420%  
Board 202: Joy Stoddart / Mary Bell3NT N5H10-630735%  
Board 219: Anna Chivers / Dorothy Stevenson4S W5H9-5015%  
Board 229: Anna Chivers / Dorothy Stevenson3DX SAH9-47000%  
Board 233: Bronwyn Peatling / Geoff Peatling3S W5C112001050%  
Board 243: Bronwyn Peatling / Geoff Peatling4H SKD10-4201155%  
Board 2510: Marleen Lynch / Rosemary Rowell3S E8C101701155%  
Board 2610: Marleen Lynch / Rosemary Rowell5D S5C12-6201050%  

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