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Pair 12 - Patricia Dixon / Beryl Gelling
Place: 2, Percentage: 57.29%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 11: Bernie Nicholls / Laura Best1NT E6C6508100%  
Board 21: Bernie Nicholls / Laura Best1NT N6C9150675%  
Board 53: Denise Devitt / Tony Powe2NT S6H9150788%  
Board 63: Denise Devitt / Tony Powe2H W3C9-140450%  
Board 74: Patsy Primozich / Peter Tsilipanis3NT E6D10-630112%  
Board 84: Patsy Primozich / Peter Tsilipanis2H W7S11-200225%  
Board 95: Lea Coulston / Leonie Atkins5C NJS7200675%  
Board 105: Lea Coulston / Leonie Atkins6H WQC11-10000%  
Board 116: Tony Preece / Garry Dazeley1NT SKS5100788%  
Board 126: Tony Preece / Garry Dazeley4H W8S11450450%  
Board 137: Sue Thompson-Walker / Annette Bills2NT S3S8120225%  
Board 147: Sue Thompson-Walker / Annette Bills3S W6C71008100%  

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