Pair 12 NS - Nick Griggs / Kerry McKillop
Place: 4, Percentage: 62.2%
Board No
vs Pr
Contract Lead Result
Matchpoints %
Board 1 11: Wendy Gilson / Lindsey Johnstone 1NT W 7H 7 -90 12 50% Board 2 11: Wendy Gilson / Lindsey Johnstone 3 E
AD 7 100 16 67% Board 3 12: Graham Bury / Tim Doe 2 S
8D 7 -50 23 96% Board 4 12: Graham Bury / Tim Doe 2 X N
QD 9 870 24 100% Board 5 6: Billie Watson / Anne McEntee 4 X E
JH 9 100 19 79% Board 6 6: Billie Watson / Anne McEntee 3 N
4D 6 -150 4 17% Board 7 7: Toni Davidson / Avner Misrachi 4 S
2H 11 650 19 79% Board 8 7: Toni Davidson / Avner Misrachi 3 N
2D 9 140 22 92% Board 9 8: Bernie Nicholls / Laura Best 3NT N 2H 8 -50 3 12% Board 10 8: Bernie Nicholls / Laura Best 3NT S 8H 10 630 17 71% Board 11 9: Max Corney / David Wallace 2 S
3H 9 110 15 62% Board 12 9: Max Corney / David Wallace 1NT E 4S 8 -120 17 71% Board 13 10: Lynne Marszalek / Veronica Sakell 3 S
7D 9 140 12 50% Board 14 10: Lynne Marszalek / Veronica Sakell 2NT S 8S 9 150 6 25%
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