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Pair 11 EW - Mark Watson / Tony Dix
Place: 10, Percentage: 43.27%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 111: Geraldine Stucki / Jed Dolwin4H E5C11450850%  
Board 211: Geraldine Stucki / Jed Dolwin2S W4H7-501381%  
Board 311: Geraldine Stucki / Jed Dolwin2S E2H1120016%  
Board 71: Lynne Sayers / Genevieve Foskett4S N9C10-6204.734%  
Board 81: Lynne Sayers / Genevieve Foskett4H SAS10-4200.11%  
Board 91: Lynne Sayers / Genevieve Foskett  adjadj  
Board 132: David Monckton / Katrina Monckton1NT W2C6-10016%  
Board 142: David Monckton / Katrina Monckton1C E3D91101169%  
Board 152: David Monckton / Katrina Monckton2NT NTC530016100%  
Board 1612: Susan Berry / Jann Baxter3D N5C710016100%  
Board 1712: Susan Berry / Jann Baxter3H E2C6-15000%  
Board 1812: Susan Berry / Jann Baxter3S EAC7-10016%  
Board 193: Tony Powe / Denise Devitt2S WQH8110638%  
Board 203: Tony Powe / Denise Devitt4H WAS1062015.999%  
Board 213: Tony Powe / Denise Devitt3NT WJC8-501.28%  

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