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Pair 7 EW - Chaya Rivers / Catherine Catt
Place: 3, Percentage: 55%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 39: Paul Webberley / Lea Coulston4H W5C11650550%  
Board 49: Paul Webberley / Lea Coulston2NT N5C6200990%  
Board 71: Renate Schadack / Shelley Pope4H NAS10-620110%  
Board 81: Renate Schadack / Shelley Pope3NT WKC9400440%  
Board 112: Jill Kilburn / Trish Colles3D NQS7100990%  
Board 122: Jill Kilburn / Trish Colles2S EQH7-50770%  
Board 137: Billie Watson / Anne McEntee4S EKC11650330%  
Board 147: Billie Watson / Anne McEntee3NT N4H13-520660%  
Board 153: Max Corney / Sharlene Campbell4D EAS9-50660%  
Board 163: Max Corney / Sharlene Campbell3C N7D7100440%  
Board 178: Christine Maynard / Tony Dix3NT W2S8-50330%  
Board 188: Christine Maynard / Tony Dix2H E8D9140990%  

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